BRUGAROLAS SA is the company that owns this website. To comply with law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and electronic commerce, we communicate then the following data:
Camí de la Riera, 36-44
Polígon Industrial Cova Solera
08191 Rubí – Barcelona
Telèfon +34 935 883 100Inscrita al Registre Mercantil de Barcelona, Tom 584-150, Secció 2ª, Foli 142, Fulla 2067 Inscripció 1ª en 26/4/1949

1.- Terms of use

The user undertakes to use the information contained in this website for its own needs only and not to directly or indirectly any type of commercial exploitation of the contents and services to which it has access. The user shall have the right to free and unhindered access for the public information contained in the same, although BRUGAROLAS reserves the right to restrict access to certain sections and services of the Portal. It is the intention of BRUGAROLAS offer at all times a truthful and updated information. However, this information may contain typographical inaccuracies or even techniques and BRUGAROLAS is not responsible about the suitability of the information contained in the Web.

2.- Links

This site may offer different links to other websites of third parties whose content may vary, quickly, by the characteristics of the Internet. Therefore, BRUGAROLAS is not responsible for the information, services and content in general of those third party Web sites.

Any external page which can be accessed from BRUGAROLAS page is independent and BRUGAROLAS COLÓN has no control over the content of that page. In addition, a link to any other page that is not BRUGAROLAS does not imply that it endorses or accepts any responsibility for their content or use.

In the case of BRUGAROLAS had actual knowledge that the activity or information that those links lead is unlawful, criminal or that can harm the rights or property of third parties liable for compensation, it will act with the necessary diligence to remove or disable the corresponding link as soon as possible.

3.- Intellectual and industrial property rights

The rights relating to the industrial and intellectual property (enunciative title and not limited to brands, logos, texts, photographs, icons, images, etc., as well as the graphic design, source code and other software elements contained in this Web page), are the property of BRUGAROLAS. Therefore, they are subject to rights of intellectual and industrial property protected by the Spanish and international legislation.

Without the prior written liability authorization of BRUGAROLAS, is not allowed to use, reproduce, transmit, manipulate, as well as any use that exceeds the use necessary for the visit of the page and the use of the services offered. The access to the given services neither supposes on the part of BRUGAROLAS resignation, transmission, or total or partial transfer of the rights derived from the intellectual and industrial property, or attached rights of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication on these contents without the prior express written permission of the respective holders of such rights, without prejudice to the right of display and obtaining of private copy of security of such content, provided that this right be exercised according to the principles of good faith and always to maintain unchanged the intellectual and industrial property of the owner of such rights, used without commercial purposes and exclusively for personal information of the user. The liability for the use of materials protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights contained in this page shall belong exclusively to the user.

4.- Ethics and responsibility of the user of the corporate website:

BRUGAROLAS is no way responsible for the use of the website that the user makes. The User shall refrain from carrying out any behavior in the use of the corporate website or the resources placed at its disposal that infringes on the rights of intellectual or industrial property of BRUGAROLAS or of third parties, which violates or infringes the honor, personal or family intimacy or the image to third parties, or which are unlawful or undermine morality and will in any case free to BRUGAROLAS against any claim, judicial or extrajudicial, which was present in front of it as a result of such use. The User shall refrain from carrying out any behavior in the use of the corporate website or the user will abstain from carrying out by any means any destruction, alteration, destruction or damage of the electronic data, programs or documents belonging to BRUGAROLAS, as well as introduction or spread in the network programs, viruses, applets, or any physical instrument or electronic that cause or are likely to cause any type of alteration in the Network of the system, or in the third-party equipment.

5.- Applicable law – Jurisdiction

The resolution of any dispute or difference related to this Web Site shall be governed by the Spanish legislation, being exclusively competent the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona.