
Brugarolas is a company that develops, produces and markets lubricants for the automotive and other industrial sectors, focusing its efforts on meeting the needs and expectations of our customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and society in general, always through our commitment to Quality, Safety and the Environment.


Our goal is to be considered by our strategic stakeholders as a reference group in the development and production of lubricants, always driven by a desire for continuous improvement in all areas of the company, promoted through the innovation, service, quality, job security and respect for the environment.


Values that inspire and guide Brugarola’s strategy and actions:


Our team is composed of dynamic professionals with a high training and experience that complements the modern facilities available to Brugarolas, becoming the real engine of the company.

We place people at the centre of our management model, promoting training, participation and transparency, which encourages us to assume new responsibilities, in a climate of mutual trust.


Establish and build trusting relationships with our customers, meeting their expectations, understanding and anticipating their needs.

To provide the market with products and services of the highest quality, which meet, in every way, the requirements of our customers. To do this, we actively seek to build strategies that facilitate progress on this path of excellence.


Brugarolas, in its more than 130 years of history, has always promoted a business ethical culture that reaffirms our transparency and integrity in decision-making within the framework of our professional work.


We develop our activity responsibly and taking into account the sustainability in the development and production of our products, respecting the environment, ensuring the good conditions of safety and health guaranteeing a positive impact on society.


Our leadership is based on trust in the Brugarolas human team, which is always supported by Management to carry out their professional work.

Delegating and relying on staff skills and training is essential for the company’s good development, always maintaining a strategic vision based on minimizing identified risks and promoting continuous improvement, ensuring a successful development in the medium and long term.


Our professionals have the ability to research and develop products suitable for multiple applications. The creative spirit and extensive knowledge of the most advanced techniques allow us to create products with high added value

In addition, Brugarolas is committed to the incorporation of the latest technologies and invest in the training and development of human capital that allows us to have a high knowledge of the trends that affect our sector and to be able to respond in an agile way to our customer’s expectations.


Our commitment to quality is permanent, thanks to the continuous improvement process applied in all areas of the company. Perseverance, enthusiasm and the ability to overcome are the basis of a job well done.

To ensure the upward progression of the company, we rely on the optimization of our resources and processes, the efficient management of our human team and the implementation of appropriate policies and strategies.