proyecto nanointech

On April 15th 2015, it was held in CDTI offices the signature of the agreement for NANOINTECH project, the execution of which will be financed through CIEN program from CDTI (Spanish Centre for Industrial Technologic Development).

BRUGAROLAS SA participates in this project, that has 7 companies involved (5 big, 1 medium and 1 micro) from different areas of Spain and also from different sectors of activity. In addition the project has the participation of 5 Technological Centres (Technological Institute of Aragon, Zaragoza University, ITENE, IK4-CIDETEC and IK4TEKNIKER), all them with a common interest: the nanotechnology.

The project will be financed through this CIEN program that it is also co-financed with FEDER founds from the UE; by means of a loan of 6 million euro and a grant of 1.7 million euro during a 4 year period.

NANOINTECH has the objective of develop nanomaterials to be applied in different sectors in an efficient and safety way; and has the goal to facilitate the introduction in the market of these nanomaterials developed.

The new nanomaterials will be graphene, nanoparticles of metallic oxides and laminar & crystalline silicates; that will be applied in lubricants, conductive inks, reinforced plastics, nanoadditivated coatings and reinforced elastomers. The use of the developed nanomaterials in a safe way from toxicological and ecotoxicological point of view will be a priority of the project.

BRUGAROLAS SA, with more than 130 years of experience in the lubricant sector, will be in charge of evaluate the application of the nanomaterials developed in lubricating oils and greases; and will have the goal to develop formulations with them.